Owen Wilson is de geknipte man, want hij is Texaan, is geboren en getogen in Dallas, is hondenliefhebber en heeft zelfs in een aantal filmsets met honden gespeeld.

P. Leno
Hi Owen, it's awesome that you accept to be ambassador for Hund i snor !
Owen Wilson
The pleasure is mine, I can assure you !
I've based my character in "You, Me and Dupree" on Blue, the chocolate Labrador of my boyhood. Dupree had the personality of a dog. You love him in spite of himself. The main thing my dog taught me to value is to be in the moment.
P. Leno
In your new movie "Marley and me", co-starring Jennifer Aniston, you play opposite a labrador.

Owen Wilson
Exact. And when you're working with dogs, you have to throw away the script. I couldn't say the lines as written, because the dogs were unpredictable.
P. Leno
Was W.C. Fields right about never working with animals or children, those diabolical upstagers?
Owen Wilson
No. I think he might have been right about children, because, when a baby's done with a scene, he's done. Dogs are better-trained: They'll give you that extra take.
P. Leno
Success with the movie and with your role as ambassador for Hund i snor.
Owen Wilson
Thanks. You bet I will take this ambassadorship seriously !
2 opmerkingen:
ziet eruit als een strandjeannet, die Owen
Dat is hij inderdaad, maar ook veel poedels zijn strandjeannetten. Daarom hebben we hem gekozen.
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